Effective Ways to Quickly Identify Your Best SEO Competitors
Global digitalization creates certain conditions in the field of business. Now presence on the Internet is a mandatory requirement that ensures competitiveness in the market. But having a website on the global network is not enough to achieve commercial success; a web resource should become a leader and gain a foothold in search results for a stable flow of customers. Most often, SEO promotion of sites is used for this.

What is Search Engine Optimization?
This term should be understood as a comprehensive work to improve the external and internal indicators of the site in accordance with the requirements of search engines. First of all, attention is paid to traffic, as well as the results of issuance of relevant queries. To do this, perform the following steps:
- make up a semantic core – keywords or search queries that other visitors use to find the required page;
- pay attention to technical errors – it is essential that the resource works correctly and loads quickly;
- improve the quality of the content – information, taking into account images, videos and texts
- what interests the user, so they should meet the requirements of the client;
- increase the mass of links – a necessary aspect that affects the credibility and growth of trust in the resource from search engines.
All these parameters are of great importance for website optimization. The results will depend on the work and professional level of the whole team: administrators, webmasters, and content managers. Together, an effective tool is created, eventually bearing fruit for the business owner. For it not to lose its relevance, it is necessary to constantly work on improving the site since the requirements of algorithms are constantly changing.
Who are The Competitors?
Competitors are not only opponents in the struggle for the client, profit, and other business benefits. First of all, competitors should be considered as a very effective tool for development and promotion. By analyzing the actions and features of competitors’ promotions, you will always be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of their work. Thus, you will be able to understand what actions will help you occupy a niche and reach the TOP of search engines, as well as find interesting ideas.
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Types of Competitors
Before you start searching for the company’s competitors, you need to determine the type of sites that will help you in your work to improve your own resource. Companies on the network, one way or another related to your business niche, can be divided into three main types:
- Main competitor. A company that sells the same type of product (goods or services), working with the same target audience and in the same region as you.
- Indirect competitor. A company whose products are different from yours but work in the same direction. For example, it can be such related niches as cinema and music, dishes and interior items, furniture, and home textiles, etc. Also, this group can include sites operating in other regions.
- Business leaders. Mean sites-giants, to compete with which smaller-scale projects do not make any sense. Despite the fact that you can sell the same products, you should not focus on the SEO promotion of such companies.
The most interesting in terms of information content and efficiency as an optimization tool are direct competitors, that is, the first type. And it is precisely those that are at the TOP of search results for the main keywords.

Indirect competitors can also be considered, but spend less time on them. Most likely, they will be promoted a little differently because the target audience is still different from yours. But this does not mean that they should be ignored. It is quite possible that they are the ones who steal some of your customers. Then it is worth taking a closer look at the strategy of your own business more critically; in some cases, a change in policy and expansion of the range is required.
Why Analyze Competitors?
The principle “look at your competitors – do better” is obvious, but few people spend time analyzing rival projects. Someone is lazy, and someone does not understand the benefits. So, the analysis of competing sites is needed in order to:
- compare the semantic core and find key phrases that you missed in your project, but which bring people from Google to other websites;
- identify the most popular pages/products of competitors in order to analyze and understand the reason for their popularity, and as a result, improve such pages on your website or add similar products;
- look at the link profile of competitors (where the links to the opponent come from), understand the link promotion strategy, and borrow their techniques.
In addition, you look at activity information about your relevant competitors in social networks, assess the quality of their sites and the presence of contextual advertising.
What is this all for? To find and take back missed opportunities for promotion that bring clients to competitors’ sites and improve your website.
How to Find Your SEO Competitors?
In order to find out the strategies for promoting competitive projects, it is necessary to analyze the websites of competitors. And for this, in turn, you need to know the site’s competitors.
Let’s look at the most effective ways to determine your best SEO competitors:
Search Results
Online competitors are those resources that rank in search results for keywords from your semantic core. Therefore, for small projects, the easiest way to determine the site’s SEO keywords competitors is by punching a key in the desired search engine.
Enter a keyword in the search engine to see the site’s competitors in the search results. Repeat this for all keywords in incognito mode. However, this method is not very convenient, not completely accurate, and unsuitable for sites with a large semantic core. Therefore, we will consider other options to check the site’s competitors.
Search Engine Operators
Google Search Engine Operators is an additional feature in Google web search, which allows you to set clear parameters and search for site competitors. Checking site competitors is carried out using special characters. Enter a query in the form: “related: *your domain* (without spaces)” to find pages with similar content and identify the main competitors of the project.
SEO Competitors Tracking Tools
Services such as SimilarWeb and LiveInternet show the attendance of competitor sites according to various metrics and SEO competitors ranking. Here you can also get a list of these same sites. To find competitors in SimilarWeb, you need to go to the site, enter your domain in the service search, and copy the top ten competing sites from the Similar Sites section.

In LiveInternet, enter the keyword in the search menu on the right and get a list of sites that are relevant to the keyword. They will be your competitors. There you can also configure the desired search region.
SEO competitors tracker is a convenient tool to check competitors’ SEO and identify the main metrics.
Automatic Competitor Search Services
With automatic selection using competitor search services, the selection of sites is based on the number of common keywords, relevance, and visibility of sites. These parameters are calculated based on the services’ built-in algorithms, their query databases, and site positions.
It is worth clarifying that if the site has poor positions, is poorly entered, or there are no necessary queries on the site pages at all, then competitors will not be entirely relevant. Such methods are more suitable for sites with more or less significant visibility and positions.
Price Aggregators
Hotline.ua or other price aggregators are special online platforms that perform two functions: they collect price lists of many online stores in one place and show them to customers in a convenient form for price comparison. Accordingly, you can also find your competitors on such sites if you are a representative of the e-commerce market. How to do it?
Enter the name of the product (search query) into the search and sort the results by the number of offers (to get more competitors). Go to one of the received items. Click on the number of offers and go to the list of competitors.
What to Look For When Analyzing Competitors
Here are the main factors:
- Usability – is it more convenient to choose goods or order services from a competitor than from your website? Be objective and remember the tips you like.
- Social interaction with customers – whether rivals have official groups on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin.
- Design – how “fresh” is the site? How does it compare to other competitors? People prefer modern and stylish websites.
- Contextual advertising – is there contextual advertising in your subject?
Each item has 100% importance.

How to Use The Results of SEO Competitor Analysis?
After identifying and analyzing your competitors, you should definitely take the following steps:
- Improve site structure.
- Launch contextual advertising if there is enough budget.
- Improve SMM.
- Expand the semantic core. Add keywords to the pages that were missed during optimization.
- Start a blog to convert visitors into buyers.
- Start promotion with natural links on thematic queries.
- Improve the semantics of the site: make sure that only relevant queries lead to the page.
Now you know how to find your site’s competitors in order to carry out full-scale work on promoting your own resource. Collecting data is not at all difficult, although painstaking. It can significantly help in the SEO optimization of your website.
Considering that data search and analysis does not require financial costs, and the information received is simply necessary to build the right promotion strategy, be sure to use this tool. So you can determine the most successful solutions for bringing the site to the TOP of search engine results and getting more profit.
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