How to Use Backlink Services to Get as Much Profit as Possible
Backlinks are one of the ranking factors for a website in search results. How significant this factor is is unknown. The most common judgment is this: in recent years, the importance of backlinks has decreased, but search engines still take it into account.

Relatively recently, a team of professional marketers conducted a study of more than a billion pages on the Internet and found that the lack of backlinks to the site most likely interferes with promotion. 66.31% of sites have no backlinks, 26.29% of sites have up to three backlinks. All these sites receive almost no traffic from Google. We will talk in more detail about the importance of building backlinks in this article.
Why Are Backlinks Important for Promotion?
To increase organic traffic and grab the attention of search engines, you must invest in on-page and off-page SEO. On-page optimization is the process of creating content that helps search engines (and users) understand what your site is about. Off-site optimization is all about demonstrating to search engines that your content is of value to third parties.
And the most important value statement is the backlink. The most common judgment is: “In recent years, the importance of backlinks has been on the decline, but search engines are still considering this factor.”
A Little Background on the Importance of Backlinks
Backlinks are one of the main factors in website promotion on the Internet. This term refers to active hyperlinks placed on other resources that lead to your site. The quantity and quality of external links are indicators of the popularity and authority of the resource for the search engine.
Backreferences are like pointers. They create a positive reputation for your resource. The more sites that link to yours, the more attractive it looks to the search engine. This means that it contains up-to-date, relevant and useful information that should be shown to a larger number of users.
Search engines strive to provide all resources with equal access to the first positions in the search results, therefore they are constantly improving their algorithm for evaluating the quality of sites. About 5 years ago, it was possible to promote almost any site to the TOP by simply purchasing a large number of links.
Unscrupulous webmasters abused this method, so Google made changes to its algorithms. Now, the search engine takes into account not only the quantity but also the quality of backlinks.
What Are the Benefits of Building Backlinks?
Increasing search rankings. Search engines consider backlinks a sign of trust in a site. It is assumed that the more links lead to the site, the more people trust it. That is, the more backlinks you buy, the higher the site can rank in the search results for relevant queries.

Speed up the indexing of new pages. Search robots revisit pages they already know to find new content. Robots are more likely to visit popular sites than unpopular ones. Buying links for SEO (backlinks) increases the likelihood that robots index a new page quickly.
The site receives additional traffic. Links on pages of other sites help you get traffic from those sites. Readers see an interesting link, click on it, and go to the promoted resource. You just have to buy backlinks and this traffic will positively influence behavioral factors.
How to Create a Quality Backlink?
Not all backlinks have the same “weight” – that is, they give the same positive effect. We present to your attention a few recommendations on how to get the most out of increasing backlinks on other sites.
Create relevant links. If you purchase backlinks , which are placed on a site of the same subject as the site being promoted, they are more useful than irrelevant. At the same time, the anchor should look natural and correspond to the content of the page at the link.
Post links to authoritative sites. Authoritative resources are sites that search engines trust more than others. They have a lot of external links, and their content is high-quality and useful.
Place links in the text, not in separate blocks on the page. SEO researcher and promotion consultant Bill Slavsky says that backlinks are more powerful if they are in the main content area of the page, in font and color. The link will have less “weight” if it is difficult to find, it is placed at the bottom of the page, and is not highlighted in any way from the rest of the text.
How to Get Backlinks to a Website?
Today, there are three ways to get backlinks:
- Create. You can manually add a link to the site in directories, forums, comments, maps, social networks.
- Deserve. That is, to create useful and interesting content. Users will share links to it on social networks, in private messages or on their blogs.
- Build up. In this case, you need to place links in articles on other sites, write articles for blogs with a link to your site.

It is worth saying that built-up and well-deserved links are the most effective. After all, they are the most relevant, noticeable, and are located directly on authoritative sites. What are the ways to get really high-quality backlinks?
- Write a useful and informative article for some other site. But you need to take into account one important point – choose only those resources where the link to your site will look as natural as possible. For example, you sell marketing courses. In this case, you should write an article specifically for the site whose target audience is marketers. Of course, most likely, you will have to agree directly with the editor of the site about the placement of your article. It will contribute to the fact that the topic you have chosen suits both you and the editors.
- Start a blog on online platforms that are popular in your area. You should regularly write all sorts of useful and interesting materials, because only this type of content can get a lot of views. Leave backlinks to your own site in these same materials.
- In addition, you can search for articles where there are no links or mentions of your brand, your company, your product. Once you find such articles, you should ask the editor to add the necessary backlinks.
- You can also do your own research on a specific topic in which you are a fairly good expert. Why? Everything is simple. The authors of articles often refer to research results and statistics. So, research is a chance to get absolutely free backlinks from really high-quality resources. By the way, you will find interesting and useful information about free and high-quality SEO tools on the LinksManagement website. It offers the best backlink service possible.
- If you interview experts, this can also increase your profits in the long run. After all, there is a high probability that experts will post a link to the interview in their personal accounts on social networks or mention you on their blogs.
How to Check Backlinks?
There are two options for checking backlinks for a site or an individual page. The first one only works for your own sites. The second can be used to check backlinks to other people’s sites or pages.
Checking Backlinks Through Google Search Console
The Google Search Console tool provides you with insights into organic search traffic and the overall performance of your site. This is a free tool, just register and verify that you are the owner of the site.
After registering, go to the Links tab, which is located on the sidebar. The number under the External links heading indicates the total number of unique backlinks to your site.
There are three types of reports below:
- Top linked pages: the pages on your site that have the most links.
- Top linking sites: sites with the most backlinks to your site.
- Top linking text: anchor phrases most commonly used to link to your site.
If this is your first time using Search Console, start with the Top linked pages report. Then click on any URL to see which sites link to their corresponding page. After that, select any site to see which of these pages link to that page.
Testing with a Third-Party Backlink Checker
To check backlinks to a site you don’t own, use the free Ahrefs Backlink Checker tool. Just enter a domain name or URL and click the Check backlinks button. The tool will count the total number of backlinks and donor domains (links from unique sites), as well as determine the top 100 backlinks. For each link, the following data will be given:
- Referring page: The page that links to the target.
- Domain Rating (DR): The rating of the referring site.
- URL Rating (UR): The rating of the referring page.
- Traffic: Estimated average monthly organic search traffic to the referring page.
- Anchor and backlink: Anchor and text surrounding the link.
Is It Better to Get Backlinks for Free or Buy Them?
For the successful promotion of commercial resources, it is optimal to use free and paid backlinks. The first ones are needed so that search engines see “natural” links to your site. To do this, post useful, relevant, up-to-date and well-structured information on the resource. If your posts are useful to users and cause a lively response, the search engine ranks them in the first position.

But free links are not enough to move to the top positions of the search engine. The first place will be for sites that competently purchase high-quality external links.
Promotion with the help of free links can only conditionally be called free. It requires significant time and effort, and the result is difficult to predict. Creating good content requires material costs, and site owners are not interested in posting links to another resource for free and losing their traffic.
Buying backlinks is an effective way to increase the authority of the site, its positions and traffic, with a predictable result. But you need to remember that you have to constantly monitor the quality and quantity of purchased links, carefully select donor sites and analyze the activity of competitors in order not to fall under the sanctions of search engines. It is better to entrust such work to experienced SEOspecialists.
All site owners want their resources to take first place in search results, have a lot of traffic and bring profit to their business. Many of them understand that it is difficult to advance in a competitive niche for key queries, and turn to SEO specialists. When drawing up a website promotion strategy, one of the main tasks is to increase the reference mass of the project.
To better understand the importance of backlinks in SEO promotion, you need to remember that the Internet is essentially a huge number of interconnected links. If many sites link to your resource, the likelihood that a search robot will find it and index all the information increases. The more high-quality backlinks lead to your site, the more authoritative, relevant and useful for the user the site seems to search engines.
To achieve a predictable and stable result, you should not resort to black optimization methods. A quick result is not worth the risk of getting penalized and ruining the reputation of the resource in the eyes of search engines.
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