ChatGPT for SEO: How to Use It to Improve Your Website’s SEO In 2024?
If you’re still not using AI tools to solve your SEO problems, then it’s time to reconsider your approach. Yes, lately, demonizing AI and abandoning this convenient tool has become common. However, it can become an indispensable assistant when used correctly. In this post, you’ll learn how to use ChatGPT for SEO.

How to Use ChatGPT for SEO
ChatGPT has already established itself as a permanent tool in many professions, especially among digital specialists. Let’s figure out how to use it as an assistant in SEO promotion and why these tools still need human help.
Create Unique Content
To bring traffic to the site, you need valuable content that will be a foundation. Like a strong foundation in a house, quality content determines how many people will visit your site, how many will stay, and how high a page will rank in search. This content must be unique and varied in format to draw and retain users’ attention.
Uniqueness is when an article is written from scratch, answers user questions, and contains an element of novelty. There are dedicated services that check publications for this parameter. However, this is not always objective because a unique text, according to checking services, may be boring and not evoke emotions. People will not want to share it or return to the site again.
The main thing is the benefit for the reader because the site’s place in the search results depends on how they interact with the site materials. Don’t rely on ChatGPT to create the articles for you. But it will help:
- create an article outline;
- look at the topic from different angles;
- choose words;
- collect invoice;
- give an example.
AI helps to find shortcomings even in topics we are accustomed to consider unambiguously positive: separate waste collection, proper nutrition, reading books, and more. ChatGPT is a good assistant in writing objective texts.
Make a Rewrite
A neural network usually performs this function quite well. “Customization,” as in the previous section, will further improve the quality of rewriting in most topics.
Regarding rewriting, there is only one but very important nuance. The neural network processes small text fragments well, up to 1000 characters. If you throw a more extensive volume into a rewrite, problems will most likely begin: misinterpretation of facts, excessive reduction, and loss of meaning. Therefore, it is better to rewrite even long texts in small parts.
This function is extremely useful if you need to “multiply” text. For example, you need to post the same content on regional subdomains. ChatGPT is capable of rewriting the same text repeatedly. Moreover, you can immediately request more than one option.

Select Keywords And Analyze Search Queries
For a user to find you, you must predict their requests and select suitable keywords. ChatGPT SEO assistance can offer different requests:
- by frequency: low-frequency, mid-frequency, high-frequency;
- by focus: commercial and informational.
It is easier to start from the proposed options or not to miss a meaningful phrase. However, it is unlikely to be able to assemble a full-fledged semantic core.
Competitor Promotion Analysis
It happens that when manually analyzing competitors, you discover a potentially interesting page. For example, this page ranks better than yours for an important query. Accordingly, one of the questions you will probably have is: “What TL is this page being promoted by, and do I need to adjust the list of queries on my site?”
And again, the exact nuance: ChatGPT analyzes the content but does not verify whether the queries it finds actually bring traffic to the page. However, since the tool works extremely quickly, using it at least for a “first approximation” comparison is not a bad idea.
In parallel with this, you can try to analyze the main SEO text but also the entire content of the page. In any text analysis, it is helpful to remember that the efficiency of SEO ChatGPT processing is inversely proportional to the content volume. Simply put, the smaller the text, the better the analysis results. Therefore, checking long texts (conditionally more than 5,000 characters) in parts is better. By the way, ChatGPT can provide data in tabular form if you give it such a task.
Create Page Meta Tags
Using ChatGPT for SEO, which is suitable for technical optimization, too. ChatGPT can offer suggestions for page titles and descriptions. You need to specify keywords and length. It’s best to ask for several options simultaneously because AI does not always produce several. Some wording may sound too promotional or unnatural. You must modify it yourself.
Creating a FAQ Section
FAQ is a way to quickly resolve customer objections and reduce the burden on support teams and managers. Artificial intelligence will help you select popular questions, suggest answer templates, and optimize your site by LSI. LSI are synonyms and related phrases to a search query. You know your clients best. If you focus only on AI, you may miss the real pains of the audience. Create FAQs based primarily on feedback and logic. Covering this part of SEO for ChatGPT is a manageable task.
Create a Content Plan
If you collect information traffic, you probably need to write articles for the site. And, since the budget for writing them is always limited, it is essential to select potentially interesting topics so that you can not only bring traffic but also hook the reader. In this matter, ChatGPT can be an excellent assistant if the topic of the site is not too narrow. For example, we tried to give a neural network the task of selecting topics for articles for a website about the construction of solar power plants. The results were poor. However, ChatGPT can offer valuable options for broader topics, such as construction.
In this stage of SEO, ChatGPT can generate ideas for new articles or suggest an interesting aspect within an existing topic. You can also ask it to come up with an idea for an article, considering the content already on the site. Every specialist experiences a creative crisis, and artificial intelligence helps to overcome it faster. You can request ideas on both broad and narrow topics.
Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence in SEO
Despite all the apparent advantages, AI has disadvantages that make it a tool and not a full-fledged replacement for a specialist.
Low-Quality Content
ChatGPT shouldn’t be your site’s only source of content. AI often suffers from complex sentences, repetitions, and bureaucracy and looks unnatural. Also, if you have one, the neural network cannot write material in your corporate style. Therefore, in most cases, it has to be edited. So, ChatGPT and SEO need human attention.
Limited Knowledge
ChatGPT is based on text data collected up to 2021. Because of this, artificial intelligence may not consider the latest changes in search engine algorithms and may not be aware of current SEO trends.
Artificial intelligence may have limited knowledge of specific issues. ChatGPT is based on text data collected up to 2021. Because of this, artificial intelligence may not consider the latest changes in search engine algorithms and may not be aware of current SEO trends. Therefore, if you ask him about current events and people, he may refer to the “limited knowledge base.”
It also follows that AI can come up with sources, names of people, and events for which it does not have sufficient information. For example, if you ask ChatGPT about website ranking factors in Google, it will not consider new data released to the public a few months ago.
Potential Content Uniqueness Issue
ChatGPT is based on training data that is publicly available on the Internet, so the text generated is not entirely original. Because of this, problems with duplicating content may arise, and along with this, a deterioration in positions in search engines.
Lack of Context
ChatGPT will quickly provide general information but may not always be able to answer complex and detailed questions correctly. It lacks context. Therefore, AI often does not consider the specifics and requirements of specific projects or business problems. You need to spend time to immerse it in this context.
Incorrect Use of Keywords
A neural network may suggest keywords that are unrelated to your topic or related but not suitable for your site. If you use keywords that are not relevant to the content of the page, it will rank poorly. If a user is looking for how to choose English courses (an information request) and you offer them a page with the benefits of your courses, they will quickly leave. And the search engine will understand that the content does not answer the user’s question and will lower its ranking.
Requires Practice
You also need to learn how to ask a question in such a way as to get the most relevant answer. It is not as simple as it seems – ChatGPT also needs to be “talked” so that it gives specific and detailed explanations.
Need Human Verification
Due to the limitations we described above, the generated text should always be checked manually, at a minimum, for facts and readability. It takes a specialist’s time.
Our Verdict
Despite all the listed disadvantages, ChatGPT is still valuable for SEO specialists. The main thing is not to rely on it entirely and only use it when it is justified. Can AI replace a specialist completely? No, and there are several reasons for this:
- It does not have sufficient knowledge on all issues – he may not know about new tools, trends, and current events in the field.
- It does not have a deep understanding of how search engines work and, therefore, cannot offer an optimal and working website optimization strategy.
- It isn’t protected from errors that a person has to correct.
You can draw an analogy with copywriters. ChatGPT helps you gather information, make a plan, or formulate a thought that may be confusing. However, as is the case with copywriters, the source text still requires editing: checking facts, removing unnecessary information, and adding expert knowledge. SEO and ChatGPT can work in synergy, but you should control the process.
An SEO specialist, in turn, knows how search engines work and offers a wide range of tools and strategies for website optimization, considering all the details. It can identify problems and provide solutions that will improve search engine rankings. In addition, an SEO specialist is a living person who can offer non-standard solutions and has greater motivation to achieve results.
ChatGPT cannot conduct a high-quality site analysis and create a full-fledged semantic core. However, it can help you choose keywords, supplement an existing list, create a content plan, or offer examples or ideas. Artificial intelligence is a valuable tool that speeds up and optimizes work but cannot completely replace humans.
Of course, ChatGPT should not be considered a panacea or a complete replacement for manual labor. Despite its capabilities, the neural network still has several limitations and simply tends to make mistakes. However, despite the service’s shortcomings, using ChatGPT for SEO can make your job much easier. The main thing is to remember that a neural network, like any other tool, requires some experience and double-checking the results.
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